Hello and Happy Valentine’s Day, I hope this finds you happy and warm. Please sit tight for the upcoming video 2020: Year in Review, it is nearly complete.
In thinking about all those who have lost loved ones this year, I decided to spend some time with my loving husband, in lieu of finishing the video on time, but if you sign up below to follow this page, we can send you the link as soon as the video is ready.
Please enjoy today’s Valentine’s Post. We’re remembering some very special Friends and Family we lost over the past year.
Love, Kate
Loss and Connection

I am saddened that so many people have lost loved ones this year. It’s my hope that today’s Valentine’s post will honor these special friends and family, bringing you closer to their amazing lives.
Nick Theodose
Written by Lynn Theodose
“Uncle Nick” Theodose was a kind and generous soul. He served in Korea, and owned several successful businesses. In his younger years running track, he was the self-proclaimed “Fastest Man in Charlottesville.”

He loved to be out in the woods, hiking and fishing.

He adored animals, especially dogs. He owned and showed countless Irish Setters, who won many prestigious awards in national dog shows. He shared his bed with multiple dogs every night.
Uncle Nick loved to eat, and was famous for treating everyone to lunch. He had a deep appreciation for beautiful women. His absolute favorite past-times were giving his little brother hell, and cursing in Greek. We miss him!!

“The song has ended, but the melody lingers on.”
-Irving Berlin
Paul Kent
Written by Sharon Posa

Paul (Kent) was a good man with a heart of gold. He always had a twinkle in his eye and a smile on his face. He had a hard life. He was a ward of the state (Colorado) at 12 years of age. He lived in foster homes, a juvenile detention center, a group home, the Colorado Boys Ranch and mostly on the streets of Boulder as a teenager. He was a third generation Boulder native.

Paul was an excellent pool player and he loved animals. He also loved sports, all sports, and he knew all of the rules for golf, tennis, soccer, baseball, basketball, football and most Olympic events.

He loved his goddaughter, Bella, dearly and he was a doting husband who always made me feel beautiful and loved.

“Never forget that you are one of a kind.”
-R. Buckminster Fuller
Gary King
Written by Julian Taylor

Gary was a special friend, and a special kind of man who personified what it meant to have a big heart.

I will always remember his generosity, sense of humor and spontaneous gladness for living even when times were tough. It was a privilege to have known him. My thoughts go out to his family and friends.
Written by Sandy Taylor
I would like to express my deepest sympathy to Debbie, to Gary’s beloved mother Sylvia, and to all of his many loved ones.

Privileged to meet him 15 years ago through our Sun Readers Group, I mourn his loss along with you.

Gary was a unique combination of strength and gentleness. He was a fair-minded thinker who sought the truth–as well as a down-to-earth man with a great sense of humor. Bright, creative and loving, he was a faithful friend who always wanted the best for everyone and was willing to go the extra mile for us. He gave freely of himself and was a special gift to the world. I treasure memories of times spent together and will carry him always in my heart.

“A friend is one of the nicest things you can have and one of the best things you can be.”
-Douglas Pagels
Written by Kate Hart

A few years ago we welcomed a fuzzy black kitten, who looked just like a little bear, into the world and our family.

I think it was Andrew who gave Oso his name-Spanish for Bear. Oso was a gentle giant, letting my youngest, Alex, carry him everywhere, wrapped around his neck like a big warm puffy black scarf.

Staring deep into Oso’s large, gold eyes I felt like he understood me. He was very beautiful and majestic. He sat looking down his long, straight nose at me, and I pet his head, admiring his thick, soft fur.

Oso was patient and kind. He was willing to sit on a green screen and star in Alex’s movie, “Open,” as The Beast (check it out, the video link is up on the right, under the rainbow stars)
In the story, Oso sacrifices his own life, in exchange for the seeds of life, to help Jack save the planet. Oh, how I miss him.
Grateful for the gift of our time spent together, my life is richer for having known such a fine cat.

“When tomorrow starts without me, don’t think we’re far apart, for every time you think of me I’m right inside your heart.”
-David Romano