Watch our first Moving Forward Wisely Video, on Voting.
This is a great year to Vote! Lots of young people are counting on us, so don’t miss out on this November’s election. On Oct 9, 2020, before you’ve even chosen your Halloween costume, (Oh no, COVID during Halloween? I’m sure there is a mask joke in there somewhere), counties in Colorado will begin mailing ballots for the Nov 3rd election. In Colorado, ballots are automatically mailed out to registered voters and the deadline to register to vote or update your registration and still receive a ballot in the mail is Oct 26, 2020. In Colorado, you can vote early at your local registrar’s office and you do not have to have a reason.
This week’s story is Kate’s video about voting, so check it out. Anyone interested in signing up to be a poll worker can check out Help inform any friends and neighbors who may need to request curbside voting, and Boulder County Residents can sign up for Ballot Track and get notified when your ballot is counted.
For my Virginia friends, you can vote early (in Colorado this begins 45 days before election day) at your local registrar’s office and you do not have to have a reason, just provide name, address and ID. Curbside voting is available upon request.

Allow 10 days if mailing your ballot and use proper postage.
Links to more voting information: Everything you need to vote Find your state or local election office website Go Vote Colorado… U.S. Election Commission Sign up to be a poll worker Virginia Department of Elections LWV- 5 Reasons to Have Confidence in Mail-in Voting